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News and Articles

NECTFL Conference

Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL):

Job Opportunities (Spanish)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (LTS), Southeastern PA

Job Opportunity (higher-ed)

Job Opportunity

Asistant Director (FT), Lehigh University

PD Opportunity: Culture Workshop @IUP

Workshop on culture in the world lanaguage classroom at Indiana Univeristy of Pennsylvania

Greetings World Language Education colleagues:

Join the Appalachian Professional Language Educators’ Society (APPLES)  at Indiana University of Pennsylvania on Saturday October 27, 2018, for a workshop on culture in the world language classroom.

Job Opportunity (French; Spanish)

Job Opportunities

French Translator

Ansaldo-STS (formerly Union Switch and Signal) is seeking an intern to translate documents from English to French in their Pittsburgh office.