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News and Articles

PSMLA Immersion Workshop


CHESTNUT HILL COLLEGE, Philadelphia PA 19118

March 09, 2019





Professional Opportunities

Check out several of the upcoming professional development opportunities available for world language educators!

7th Annual Spanish Immersion Swap Shop and Cooking Demonstration

PLF (Call for submissions); AWLE (Save the date)

PLF Call for submissions

Are you looking for a way to contribute to your profession at a state level? Would you like to add a publication to your résumé this year? Do you have great lesson plans, teaching strategies, or classroom activities to share with your colleagues? Have you conducted research related to language education? 

Job Opportunities (Spanish, Italian)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (LTS), Northwestern PA

Free Webinar: Tech Tools for Oral Proficiency

5 Tools for Oral Proficiency (Free webinar)

Join us on Thursday, January 17, 4:30pm to 5:30pm for a free webinar on 5 technology tools to help students develop their oral proficiency. After a brief introduction to the certificate program, you will learn about the following tools from certificate students and certificate graduates: