Standards & Advocacy
World Language Standards
Although Pennsylvania does not currently have World Language Standards, PSMLA encourages teachers to use the following resources in curriculum development, lesson planning, writing SPMs, etc:
- ACTFL World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
- Common European Framework for Language Learning, Teaching, Assessment, including the Can Do Statements
- NCSSFL-ACTFL Can Do Statements
- Proposed Pennsylvania State Standards from 2011 (Use Search for Standards: World Languages) or the draft from 2002 (pdf)
Advocacy in the Commonwealth
PSMLA Advocacy Webpage is dedicated to promoting language education in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Global Scholars
Promote World Languages at your school through the PSMLA Global Scholars Program.
PA Seal of Biliteracy
Recognize students who have attained intermediate-high or advanced proficiency in English and at least one other language upon high school graduation.
PSMLA Exemplary Program Awards (PEP)
Use the PEP Rubric as a guide to improve your program and get recognized as an exemplary PA high school world language program.