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Millersville & AWLE World Language Conference

The Association of World Language Educators (AWLE) is pleased to partner with the Department of Language and Culture Studies at Millersville University (MU) to invite you to its annual fall In-Service Conference! It is scheduled for Saturday, September 22, 2018, from 8:15am to 1:45pm in McComsey Hall at MU in Millersville, Pennsylvania. Act 48 credit is available to members of the Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association.

Job Opportunities (Spanish)

Job Opportunity

Spanish Teachers (LTS), Southeastern PA

Job Opportunities (French; Spanish)

Job Opportunities

French Teacher (LTS), Western PA

Conference Registration Reminder

PSMLA looks forward to welcoming you to Pittsburgh for our annual statewide conference of world language educators on October 11-13, 2018.   The Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square is right next to the Smithfield Street Bridge that connects with downtown Pittsburgh, where you will have quick access to our vibrant city. Our Pre-Conference Workshop on October 11 will focus on digital games, including a visit to the Duolingo Headquarters.

PSMLA Update: Job Opportunity (Spanish)

Job Opportunity