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News and Articles

Job Opportunities (Spanish)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (FT), Eastern PA

Coffee Hours; PD opportunities

Spanish Coffee Hour: Hora del Cafecito

Te invito a disfrutar de la Hora del Cafecito, un espacio para compartir y charlar con nuestros colegas en un ambiente informal y relajado.

The Spanish Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, April 21, from 4:00 to 5:00pm vía Zoom with Isabel. 

Job Opportunity (German)

Job Opportunity


Seeking German Adjunct Faculty

PSMLA Awards; Conference (CfP); PD Opportunities; PEP News

PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference--Call for Session Proposals... EXTENDED

The PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference, will be held primarily virtually on Thursday, October 14 through Saturday, October 16 with an opening Keynote on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.

Advocacy Message: Funding WL Education

A message from PSMLA's Advocacy Committee:

Please consider contacting your legislators to support funding World Language education programs, specifically WLARA. There is a deadline of April 22 to reach out to your Representatives.  For more details, check the JNCL-NCLIS webpage.

Many thanks for your consideration in this effort.