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News and Articles

Job Opportunity (Spanish)

Job Opportunity

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Coordinator and Spanish Teacher

Coffee Hours; PD opportunities; PLF Spring Edition

Pennsylvania Language Forum --Spring Edition Now Available!

PSMLA´s premier language journal, the Pennsylvania Language Forum (PLF) is now available online. Please be sure to read the excellent articles, latest news, award recpients, and announcements. 

Job Opportunity (Spanish)

Job Opportunity

Spanish Teacher (Substitute), Western PA

Coffee Hours; AATF; PSMLA Awards (CfN)


Do you want to take a break?

Come to the Coffee Hour and enjoy the opportunity to chat in French! Food, travel, movies, pastimes, and more are “au menu”.

NECTFL; Tech Talk; PSMLA Awards (CfN)

Tech Talk Coffee Hour