PSMLA Awards; Conference (CfP); PD Opportunities; PEP News
PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference--Call for Session Proposals... EXTENDED
The PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference, will be held primarily virtually on Thursday, October 14 through Saturday, October 16 with an opening Keynote on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.
The conference theme will be "Addressing the Moment: Bridging Differences with Languages." As such, you are encouraged to propose a session within the primary themes of communicative pedagogy, technology integration, and diversity/equity/inclusion/
The deadline for the submission of proposals EXTENDED to Sunday, April 18, 2021.
Complete this form with your proposal:
Please direct any questions concerning PSMLA proposals to Sister Mary Helen Kashuba at or Dr. Rich Madel at
PSMLA Spring Webinar Series
April Webinar: Creating an interactive and engaging experience in a hybrid classroom
Date and time: Thursday, April 22nd 4:00-5:00 PM
Learn how to engage and manage remote and in-house learners simultaneously without catering to only one group at a time. This webinar will provide valuable insight into how to get students to work together to practice the target language and how to hold them accountable for completing tasks. Register on the PSMLA webpage.
Teaching through a Culturally Responsive Lens PD Series
Part 1: How did we arrive where we are today?
Wednesday, April 14 from 4pm - 6pm
We will explore the history of marginalization and its impact on the American education system. The continued blatant oppression, systemic inequalities and legislation that leaves many students behind demonstrates that our education system was not meant to support all students. We are ready to change the narrative from student failure to societal failure - when all students aren’t awarded the same opportunities than the root was rotten from its core. With this historical foundation, we will unpack what diversity and social justice mean for us as individuals, as educators, and for our students. Recognizing privilege and bias is only the beginning.
Click on the Registration Link to join!
If you have any questions - please contact the World Language Committee. We hope to see you on Wednesday!
Spanish Coffee Hour: Hora del Cafecito
Te invito a disfrutar de la Hora del Cafecito, un espacio para compartir y charlar con nuestros colegas en un ambiente informal y relajado.
The Spanish Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, April 21, from 4:00 to 5:00pm vía Zoom with Isabel.
Deadline for registration is Wednesday, April 21 by noon
Registration link:
PSMLA is pleased to announce two new PEP Award schools!
Congratulations to Plymouth- Whitemarsh High School receiver of a Golden Globe Award and Delaware Valley High School, receiver of a Globe Award.
Detailed information about these schools and the continuing PEP Award schools can be found on the 2021 PEP Award Showcase.
Coffee Chats and PEP
The PEP Committee is also pleased to announce that it has approved up to two 1-hour “coffee chat” sessions, sponsored by PSMLA Advocacy, to be used for “Outside” professional development requirements as regards PEP status.