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Job Opportunities (Spanish; French)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (LTS), Southeastern PA

Special Invitation; PLF Fall edition; Advocacy Alert; Multiple PD opportunities

Special invitation: PSMLA Virtual Social Hour

Join NECTFL Teacher of the Year, Megan Flinchbaugh and PSMLA for a virtual social hour from 7pm-8pm on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. We’ll discuss teaching, learning, and the successes and challenges of this school year.

PLF Fall Edition; PASE; PSMLA Virtual Social

Pennsylvania Language Forum Fall Edition Now Available!

PSMLA´s semiannual language journal, the Pennsylvania Language Forum (PLF), is now available on our website. The PLF has expanded to include special features, news highlights and peer-reviewed articles.

Job Opportunities (Spanish)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (LTS), Southeastern PA

Job Opportunities (Spanish)

Job Opportunities

Spanish/ ELA Teacher (FT), Central PA