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Special Invitation; PLF Fall edition; Advocacy Alert; Multiple PD opportunities

Special invitation: PSMLA Virtual Social Hour

Join NECTFL Teacher of the Year, Megan Flinchbaugh and PSMLA for a virtual social hour from 7pm-8pm on Wednesday, November 4, 2020. We’ll discuss teaching, learning, and the successes and challenges of this school year.

This informal, conversational event is FREE to attend, but you must register! Visit the PSMLA website for details. Be sure to scroll down to find the button to register.

(You will need to log in to the website in order to register. If you do not already have a PSMLA account and/or are not a member, you can create an account and then proceed to registration.)

Please share this event with your teaching colleagues!

Pennsylvania Language Forum Fall Edition Now Available!

PSMLA´s semiannual language journal, the Pennsylvania Language Forum (PLF), is now available on our website. The PLF has expanded to include special features, news highlights and peer-reviewed articles.

Be sure to check it out and share it with your colleagues!  

PSMLA's Tech Garden presentation is now available online! 

The presentation is available for you to explore! Again, our thanks to Silvina Orsatti, Cherie Garrett, Edith Guay, and Wilma Dunkle for sharing their expertise and their tech tricks with us!

Please visit the PSMLA website to view the webinar!

PASE's Virtual Conference

The Philadelphia Area Spanish Educators (PASE) will be hosting our Virtual Fall Conference on Saturday, November 14, 2020 from 9:30am - 12:30pm. We are delighted to have the amazing Justin Slocum Bailey presenting, "Rich Interactions for Every Phase of Class". With less than a month away - Space is limited and we don't want you to miss your chance to participate in this learning opportunity with Justin Slocum Bailey!

Not a PASE member yet? Register now and receive a year of membership on us!


The Department of Homeland Security issued a Proposed Rulemaking on September 25, 2020 to establish a fixed term for student visas of no more than four years.  In some cases, students may have to reapply for their visas every two years, depending on their country of origin. Read a summary here.

If finalized without change, the proposed rule would constitute the largest changes to regulation of international students and scholars in 20 years.

JNCL-NCLIS urges you to take action and submit your comments in opposition of this rule.