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Professional Opportunities; PSMLA Fall Conference (CfP)

PSMLA Fall 2019 Conference: Call for Proposals

The PSMLA Fall 2019 Conference, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Council for International Education (PACIE), will be held at the Penn Stater in State College, PA, on Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26. You are invited to propose a session in any pertinent area such as: technology, methodology, materials, techniques, assessment, standards, and connections to other disciplines or the local and world community. We also encourage sessions presented in target languages. Exhibitors are welcome to submit pedagogical, but not marketing proposals. Sessions on both days are 45 to 60 minutes in length, with a limited number of half-hour sessions as well.

The deadline for the submission of proposals is March 31, 2019.

Please direct any questions concerning PSMLA proposals to Susanne Nimmrichter at

PSMLA Workshop at Messiah College

PSMLA is hosting its 4th annual workshop for language teachers at Messiah College on Saturday, March 30.  This interactive workshop will focus on strategies for sustaining 90%+ target language use by teachers and students as well as activities to practice and assess interpersonal speaking.  Registration includes a continental breakfast as well as a lunch with conversation in the target language.  PSMLA members can earn 3 Act 48 hours as well as discounted registration rates.

Please visit our webpage for further details and to register.

Kutztown University Department of Modern Language Studies Presents:

 PSMLA 2018 Teacher of the Year Cherie Garrett

"Maximizing Engagement in the World Language Classroom" This workshop will include brain-based and kinesthetic techniques as well as cooperative learning strategies to improve students’ attention, achievement, memory and retention as well as enhance the overall classroom climate.

DATE:  Saturday April 6, 2019

TIME: 8:45am-12pm (breakfast will be served from 8:15 to 8:45)

LOCATION: Location: Kutztown University of PA Old Main Georgian Room

Parking: Lot F1 behind Stratton Administration

REGISTER by March 6 online at:

Teachers: $15 (includes breakfast) Students: Free

ACT 48 credits: 3

Questions? Email:Rachel Salerno or Scheri Zúñiga-Murphy

AWLE Spring Workshop

The Association of World Language Educators (AWLE) invites you to its annual spring workshop! It is scheduled for Saturday, March 9, 2019, from 8:45am to 12:45pm in the Media Center of Manheim Central High School.

See the attached invitation and visit the AWLE website ( for more information and to register.

The focus of the conference will be Maximizing Our Resources , and our presenters are prepared to share some of their favorite ideas and strategies with you for making the most of your classroom materials.

There is a $10 registration fee for this workshop, which includes continental breakfast, workshop materials, and access to an online group with materials and discussion forums.  Once you have registered, you can visit the AWLE website to pay via PayPalor you may mail your payment* with your printed email confirmation of registration to:

Please share this great opportunity with colleagues and friends. All current, retired, and in-training world language teachers are welcome! Be sure to register for this great day of learning and sharing on or before March 2, 2019.