Coffee Hours; PD opportunities; PLF Spring Edition
Pennsylvania Language Forum --Spring Edition Now Available!
PSMLA´s premier language journal, the Pennsylvania Language Forum (PLF) is now available online. Please be sure to read the excellent articles, latest news, award recpients, and announcements.
Have an exciting lesson plan, strategy, or research to share? The PLF editors are always accepting submissions! The deadline for our fall edition is August 15. Our fall edition also contains our Peer Review section. Check out the journal for details on how to submit.
Read the journal today!
Do you want to take a break?
Come to the Coffee Hour and enjoy the opportunity to chat in French! Food, travel, movies, pastimes, and more are “au menu”.
I am inviting you to join me at our Virtual Coffee hour on Wednesday, April 7, from 4 - 5 PM.
Venez faire une pause au Café!
Vous voulez relaxer, discuter de tout et de rien, de nourriture, de voyages, de vos passe-temps favoris, rire, échanger des expériences d’enseignement et tout ça en français, alors venez au Café. Il me fera plaisir de vous y accueillir.
If you are interested, please register by April 6. In order to register for this event, you will need to log in to your PSMLA account or create a new account.
À très bientôt,
Edith Guay
PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference--Call for Session Proposals.... EXTENDED
The PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference, will be held primarily virtually on Thursday, October 14 through Saturday, October 16 with an opening Keynote on Wednesday, October 13, 2021.
The conference theme will be "Addressing the Moment: Bridging Differences with Languages." As such, you are encouraged to propose a session within the primary themes of communicative pedagogy, technology integration, and diversity/equity/inclusion/
The deadline for the submission of proposals EXTENDED to Sunday, April 18, 2021.
Complete this form with your proposal:
Please direct any questions concerning PSMLA proposals to Sister Mary Helen Kashuba at or Dr. Rich Madel at
French Classes at Slippery Rock University
Are you interested in taking a French class at Slippery Rock University? The web-streaming option is available for fall 2021. The available classes are:
FREN 102: French language and culture II - M,W,F 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
FREN 201: French conversation I - Tu & Th 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
FREN 220: Reading in French - Tu & Th 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
If you are interested, please contact Dr. Malick Coly at
Spanish Coffee Hour: Hora del Cafecito
Te invito a disfrutar de la Hora del Cafecito, un espacio para compartir y charlar con nuestros colegas en un ambiente informal y relajado.
The Spanish Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, April 21, from 4:00 to 5:00pm vía Zoom with Isabel.
Deadline for registration is Wednesday, April 21 by noon
Registration link:
Host: Isabel Espino de Valdivia
Kaffeestunde, April 14, 4:00-5:00 pm
Please join us for a coffee break and some time to enjoy conversation with other German speakers. The theme for our April Kaffeestunde will be "All Things Travel". Where have you traveled? What are your favorite destinations? How will the pandemic affect travel? How can we reduce the environmental impact of our travel? Join the conversation on Wednesday, April 14, by registering here.
NECTFL, All Virtual, April 22-May 1
Join us at NECTFL this year! The conference will extend from April 22 through May 1 with over 65 live-streamed sessions (all outside of school hours) and over 100 prerecorded sessions with asynchronous access. For more details and registration, please visit NECTFL's website.