PLF(CfS); PSMLA Webinar
PSMLA is pleased to announce a Free Webinar for its Members:
Join us on August 13, 2020 at 1pm for a live online professional development opportunity.
Pivoting instruction in a changing landscape: Strategies for maintaining engagement in diverse settings
Join 2019 PSMLA and 2020 NECTFL Teacher of the Year Megan Flinchbaugh and 2017 PSMLA Outstanding World Language Educator of the Year Nathan Campbell to learn and discuss how to engage your students no matter your instructional setting.
For more information about the webinar and to register, please visit our website.
Not currently a PSMLA member? No problem! Join today and enjoy access to this webinar and other discounts and access to future opportunites!
Call for submissions: PSMLA Language Forum, Fall 2020.
**Deadline Extended to August 15, 2020**
Beginning with the fall 2020 issue of the PLF, we are excited to announce the incorporation of a Peer Review Process into our journal. Throughout the history of the PA Language Forum, many scholars have contributed excellent original research and research-driven articles, and the addition of the Peer Review component will continue that long tradition.
The Editorial Board of Pennsylvania Language Forum (PLF) welcomes original scholarly, research-based articles that address issues directly related to world language teachers in Pennsylvania. Topics may include original, empirical research studies and application of high-leverage practices in the World Language Classroom. Peer-reviewed articles should maintain a classroom relevance for world language educators at all levels in Pennsylvania. Articles focusing on language proficiency development are also of interest. Articles on literary topics or interdisciplinary topics are welcome, provided the article is focused on classroom applications. Dissertations should be refined and re-focused, as dissertations are too long and detailed for a published article.
See p. 27 of the Spring 2020 issue for full requirements and submission details (for both Peer Reviewed and regular features), and a link to our electronic submission process, are located on the webpage:
We look forward to receiving your submissions!