PSMLA Spring Workshop; PSMLA Fall Conference (CfP)
PSMLA is pleased to announce our next WORKSHOP at Chestnut Hill College:
Saturday March 7, 2020 8:30am—12:30pm
Say What? We’re Supposed to Speak the Target Language 90% of the Time Even for Level 1 Learners?
This workshop will assist teachers to implement the high-leverage teaching practice of Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility (ACTFL, 2017). First, we will briefly share brain research on WHY it is important for teachers and learners to stay in the TL even for beginning level learners (ACTFL, 2010). Strategies to assist teachers to speak in the target language, as well as incentives to motivate learners to stay in the TL will be shared. Lastly, via video, we will analyze a Spanish teacher’s performance to decipher how she makes her input comprehensible for Level 1 learners. Workshop includes pair and group activities. Examples in French and Spanish, but applicable to all languages.
Our presenter is Bonnie Adair-Hauck, Ph.D. is a world language consultant for K-16 language instructors. Her experience in world language teaching spans the K-16 spectrum, or as she likes to say: “I have had the honor of teaching 3 to 83 years old students!” Adair-Hauck’s professional appointments include serving as a world language researcher at the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for European Studies, graduate professor for the University of Northern Iowa’s MAT Teacher Education program in Angers, France, Teaching Fellow for the University of Pittsburgh World Language Education Graduate Program and undergraduate Assistant Professor of French at La Roche College. Moreover, Adair-Hauck realizes that her 5 years teaching experience at Holy Ghost Academy for urban students was an invaluable teaching/learning experience.
For questions or concerns, please contact John Grande.
3 Act 48 hours available to PSMLA members only. ALL will receive a certificate of attendance to bring to their district to receive Act 48 hours from their districts.
Costs: PSMLA member: $ 20.00
Non-member: $ 30.00
Student: $ 10.00
Please click here for details about PSMLA’s refund policy
Continental breakfast included!
Click here to view the day’s program and to register, please click here.
Call for Proposals – PSMLA Fall Conference 2020
PSMLA invites all members to submit a proposal for the annual PSMLA Fall Conference, which will take place near Philadelphia on Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17, 2020.
To find out more about the conference and to send in a session proposal please go to:
You are invited to propose a session in any pertinent area such as: technology, methodology, materials, techniques, assessment, standards, and connections to other disciplines or the local and world community. We also encourage sessions presented in target languages. Exhibitors are welcome to submit pedagogical, but not marketing proposals. Sessions on both days are 45 to 60 minutes in length, with a limited number of half-hour sessions as well.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is March 15, 2020.
Please direct any questions concerning PSMLA proposals to Sister Mary Helen Kashuba:
Teachers Wanted for Language Camp
Are you a current or retired World Language Teacher in/near the Western PA area? Have you attended or taught at Pittsburgh’s Language Camp founded in 1984 by Ann Jenkins? Would you like to be a part of Language Camp even if you never have been before? We need you to help keep the camp going! Can’t wait until summer- now is when all of the most important behind the scenes happens! We are mainly looking for people to help with A. Marketing/Recruiting and B. Partnering with sponsors/Fundraising at this point but we would be glad for the input & camaraderie from anyone who is in the area and has a love of World Language learning. It is a lot of fun for us as well as the kids- but if you have kids, we will make sure they don’t miss out on the fun either.
Tentative dates/location for this year’s camp are August 9-14 in Rockwood PA at YMCA Camp Soles. It is a German/ Spanish/ French camp in one! If you can help prior to those dates (even if you can’t make it to the camp itself) we welcome your help to keep the camp going! Please email me Lynne Kopaz ( interested! Danke! ¡Gracias! Merci!