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NECTFL (deadline); PLF Call for Submissions; PD Opportunities

NECTFL Deadline approaching!

Advance registration for the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL) ends on January 18.

  • 2020 NECTFL, February 13-15 at the New York Hilton Midtown
  • Theme: Languages for All: Envisioning Language Learning Opportunities for Every Learner
  • All registration information and the preliminary program available at
  • Eight scholarships are still available for new teachers (1-5 years experience)! 

PLF Call for Submissions

The editors of the Pennsylvania Language Forum are seeking submissions for the spring publication (April 2020).  Educators of all levels are encouraged to submit articles on strategies, lesson plans, or experiences related to World Language education. For more details about submitting an item to the PLF please visit our website. Any questions may directed to the editorial team at

Registration Open - PSMLA Central PA Spring Workshop

PSMLA invites you to attend our annual spring workshop on Saturday, April 4, at Messiah College.  Join 2018 PSMLA Teacher of the Year Rich Madel for an interactive workshop on promoting intercultural competence through accessing target cultural perspectives in the target language via Glisan and Donato’s (2017) IMAGE Model. Rich will demonstrate how compelling images, realia, and authentic resources can be used in this model to explore and compare cultural products, practices, and perspectives in the world language classroom.

Breakfast, lunch, and Act 48 credits (for PSMLA members) included.  Visit the workshop webpage for details and to register.

Association of World Language Educators' Spring Workshop

Developing Intercultural Competence: Strategies for Planning, Teaching, and Assessment

Register today and join the AWLE and your colleagues on Saturday, March 14, 2020 to learn and share some favorite strategies and activities for the world language classroom. Workshops led by local high school teachers will include practical ideas and time for discussion and collaboration.  For more details and to register, visit our website.