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PSMLA Awards (CfN); Multiple PD Opportunities

Pennsylvania Language Forum, Call for submissions: 

PSMLA's premier language journal, Spring 2021.  Deadline:  February 15, 2021.

PSMLA members are encouraged to submit articles, lesson plans, and projects to share with our colleagues. Additionally, the PLF, has added a Peer Review Process into our journal. Throughout the history of the Pennsylvania Language Forum, many scholars have contributed excellent original research and research-driven articles, and the addition of the Peer Review component continues that long tradition. Please visit our website for submission requirements.

WL Committee of the Educational Issues Department, Health & Welfare Fund

We hope that you and your families had a wonderful holiday break. The WL Committee is starting PD sessions back up for the 2021 year with these WL PD Events!

Here are some upcoming free WL teacher PD events: 

Session Title: How Do I Know That They Know?

Monday, February 1 from 4 - 5:30 pm

Part 1: Formative Assessments

Formative assessment is a guiding light for teachers to adjust instructional practices to support student achievement. Bridging the gap from one level to another can be smoother, purposeful and gel with student interests. Setting learning goals and measuring progress can take place at any time, multiple times during instruction. If a student knows where they are, what they need to do in order to get to a clear target - better results can happen!

Tuesday, February 3 from 4 - 5:30 pm

Part 2: Meaningful Output

Student output is the best part of teaching a world language...ask any WL teacher! Eventually achieving higher levels of comprehension can present itself in various modes through listening, writing, reading and speaking opportunities. It might feel like a continuous struggle for students to gain the level of success that they aim for - however output is celebrated in small and large scale successes throughout a class setting.

Come join us! We hope to see you "virtually". Please see the attached flyer with session information and the registration QR code.


The WL Committee of the Educational Issues Department, Health & Welfare Fund has been working to collect as much information as possible to share with our WL teachers on upcoming virtual WL PD events. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to reach out! If you have any additional event information, please send it our way and it can be updated on our website.

PSMLA & Vista Higher Learning Online Event

PSMLA is partnering with Vista Higher Learning to offer informative, virtual professional development sessions, exclusively available for Pennsylvania educators!  Please refer to this flyer for further information.

Registration for NECTFL Open, Hybrid and Remote Options 

Registration for the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages is now open. The April 22-24, 2021 conference provides the option to join remotely or on-location in Manhattan. This is the year to engage with full access to sessions without the incumbrances of travel! Early registration ends February 5.  

Please visit the NECTFL site for full conference details. 


This program is intended to select viable candidates for the ACTFL Teacher of the Year. Candidates must be full-time world language Pre-K-12 teachers or postsecondary instructors or professors who spend at least 50% of their time in direct teaching during the year of application with an expectation of teaching for at least two additional years. Candidates must be in the profession a minimum of five years and demonstrate excellence in world language education; be an active member of PSMLA for a minimum of 3 complete consecutive years (for example January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2015); demonstrate leadership in world language education; impact the local, state, and/or national arenas; and demonstrate continued growth as a world language educator. 

Nomination criteria and application 

Applications are due on March 31. Send your application to

Call for Nominations: Student Awards

PSMLA Outstanding High School Graduating World Language Student Award

Nominate your outstanding high school world language senior for the PSMLA Outstanding High School Graduating World Language Student Award.  The deadline for applications is March 31.

Selection criteria:

a.   Students must have a minimum of 3.75 grade point average in world language classes (based on a 4.0 system).

b.   Students must have studied at least one world language other than English for 4 consecutive years

c.   Students must also have an overall grade point average of 3.5 (based on a 4.0 point system).

d.   Students must have made outstanding contributions to world language activities in their school.

e.   Students must be interested in pursuing a career that will utilize language skills.


  • Teachers nominating students must be members of PSMLA by March 1 of the current year.
  • A teacher may nominate one student per world language that he/she teaches.
  • Go to under the Awards link for prize information.

Nomination Form

PSMLA Student Recognition Awards

PSMLA offers an attractive certificate to any qualifying students whose teachers are members of the association.  Please go to and go to the Awards link for criteria and prizes. Certificates will be emailed to the teachers as pdf files at no charge.

Please submit all requests by March 31.

In order to verify your membership status for this request, you will need to log in to your PSMLA account. When you click on "Request PSMLA Student Recognition Award", you will be asked to log in if you have not done so already. If you need to renew your membership or become a member, click here.