PLF(CfS); PSMLA Webinars; TL Coffee Hours; Multiple PD Opportunities
PSMLA Global Scholars: Cultivating Interculturality
Could your year, students, and program use a “shot in the arm” (LOL/MDR/Jajaja/Lamito!)?
Could your department benefit from working with other departments in your school toward a common goal?
Would your students appreciate the opportunity to be honored for their efforts at graduation by adding slightly to their existing curriculum and activities?
And all of this at no cost?
The PSMLA Global Scholars Program, part of a national initiative, was launched in 2015. After only 5 years, 320 students in Pennsylvania have achieved the status of PSMLA Global Scholars Graduates.
In this free interactive webinar, find out more about the program and how to implement it in your school, ask questions of, share concerns with, and get tips from current PSMLA Global Scholars Advisors from various schools, and build your enrollment so students can further develop their language skills along as well as their interculturality.
Please register by February 10, 2021.
To learn more and to register for the event visit the PSMLA website.
PEP Applications Due
This is a reminder that hard copy PEP applications are to be postmarked by Saturday, February 13th, while all online submissions must be received by Saturday, February 13th. Also, all schools whose award was to expire December 31, 2020 will have their award extended until December 31, 2021. The PEP Awards Committee
Pennsylvania Language Forum, Call for submissions:
PSMLA's premier language journal, Spring 2021. Deadline: February 15, 2021.
PSMLA members are encouraged to submit articles, lesson plans, and projects to share with our colleagues. Additionally, the PLF, has added a Peer Review Process into our journal. Throughout the history of the Pennsylvania Language Forum, many scholars have contributed excellent original research and research-driven articles, and the addition of the Peer Review component continues that long tradition. Please visit our website for submission requirements.
The editors of the Pennsylvania Language Forum would love to hear from you!
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey about your experiences teaching during this global pandemic.
Spanish Coffee Hour: Hora del Cafecito
Te invito a disfrutar de la Hora del Cafecito, un espacio para compartir y charlar con nuestros colegas en un ambiente informal y relajado.
The Spanish Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, February 17, from 4:00 to 5:00pm vía Zoom with Isabel.
Deadline for registration is Monday, February15.
Registration link:
Host: Isabel Espino de Valdivia
PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference--Call for Session Proposals
The PSMLA Fall 2021 Conference, will be held primarily virtually on Thursday, October 14 through Saturday, October 16 with an opening Keynote on Wednesday, October 13. The deadline for the submission of proposals is Sunday, March 28. Complete this form with your proposal.