PSMLA Coffee Hours; PD Opportunity
Kaffeestunde: Machen wir ein Päuschen, wo wir zusammen einen Kaffee trinken und uns unterhalten können!
Please join us for a coffee break and some time to enjoy conversation with other German speakers. We will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, September 8, from 4:00-5:00 pm via Zoom. Please visit the PSMLA website to register by noon tomorrow, Wednesday, September 8 for the Zoom invitation. Bis morgen!
Spanish Coffee Hour: Hora del Cafecito
Te invito a disfrutar de la Hora del Cafecito, un espacio para compartir y charlar con nuestros colegas en un ambiente informal y relajado.
The Spanish Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, September 22, from 4:00 to 5:00pm vía Zoom with Isabel.
Deadline for registration is Wednesday, September 22 by noon
Register here
Tech Talk is Back
The Tech Talk Coffee Hour will be held on Wednesday, September 15, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm via Zoom. This will be a fun chance to share and learn the latest technology tools to teach world language and culture. Visit the PSMLA webpage to register before noon the day of the webinar.
Please join World Language Educators virtually in a collaborative and open atmosphere. We plan on sharing, engaging and supporting each other on WL topics you are using or want to use in your classroom. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn in a way that can allow everyone the chance to share and hopefully you can incorporate a new trick, game or strategy in your class the next day!
Event to be held: Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EDT)
Click here to learn more and to register for this free event!