Job Opportunities (Spanish)
Job Opportunities
Spanish Teacher (FT), Western PA
The Aliquippa School District is accepting applications for a Spanish position (7-12). Send your letter of interest, resume, updated clearances, transcripts, and letters of reference to Dr. Peter Carbone, Superintendent, 800 21st Street, Aliquippa, PA 15001 by the close of business on Friday, July 2, 2021
Spanish Teacher (FT), Southeastern PA
The Coatesville Area School District is in search of full-time Spanish teacher for the intermediate high school. To learn more about the position and to apply, please view the listing here.
Spanish Teacher (FT), Southeastern PA
The Chester Upland School District is seeking to fill a full-time Spanish position for the 2021-2022 school year. Interested candidates should email a resume to Symone Bingham.
Spanish Teacher (FT), Eastern PA
The Mahanoy Area School District is seeking to fill a permanent, full-time Spanish position to begin at the start of the 2021-2022 school year in the Mahanoy Area Jr./Sr. High School. All interested candidates, please submit a cover letter, resume, transcripts, PA standard teaching application, certification, Act 34, 114, and 151 clearances as well as Act 168 paperwork to, Principal, Stanley Sabol, and Superintendent, Dr. Joie Green, at
Position open until filled.