PSMLA Awards (CfN); Multiple PD Opportunities
PSMLA Exemplary Program Awards: Webinar on February 16 at 3:30pm *TODAY
- Does your high school(s) have an exemplary world language program?
- Would your department like to be publicly recognized for your world language achievements?
- Do you have clear data to support the improvement and expansion of your world language program?
Join us this afternoon to learn more about how to PEP-up your program!
Tech Talk Coffee Hour
The Tech Talk Coffee Hour will be on Wednesday, February 24th, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm via Zoom with Cherie Garrett. This will be a chance to talk with fellow teachers to share and learn the latest technology tools to teach world language and culture. Visit the PSMLA website to register.
PSMLA Advocacy Webinar on February 25 at 6:00 pm
This webinar will provide participants with ideas to encourage support for the language program you are currently representing as well as how to advocate for world languages at the state and national levels. We will focus on the current “asks” of the national and state congressional representatives and senators. We will give you ideas of what to do if you are concerned about maintaining your language program.
Join us for this hour long webinar by registering before February 24.
The 2021 IUP Spring Methodology Conference will be offered virtually this year, on April 16, 2021!!
After last year's hiatus, IUP is working hard to bring you the conference via Zoom, as is being done by many conferences. Even though we will not be meeting in person, our keynote speaker is still Dr. Eileen Glisan and the program remains unchanged, and we will continue to offer ACT 48 Credit for those who meet the requirements.
Registration fees have been reduced under this new modality:
- Full registration fee is now $30.
- First time reduced registration is now $20.
- Student registration fee is now $10
More details will be announced soon. Please check online repeatedly and our social media for the latest updates.
We hope you can join us and be part of this wonderful community of passionate educators!
This program is intended to select viable candidates for the ACTFL Teacher of the Year. Candidates must be full-time world language Pre-K-12 teachers or postsecondary instructors or professors who spend at least 50% of their time in direct teaching during the year of application with an expectation of teaching for at least two additional years. Candidates must be in the profession a minimum of five years and demonstrate excellence in world language education; be an active member of PSMLA for a minimum of 3 complete consecutive years (for example January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2015); demonstrate leadership in world language education; impact the local, state, and/or national arenas; and demonstrate continued growth as a world language educator.
Nomination criteria and application
Applications are due on March 31. Send your application to
Call for Nominations: Student Awards
PSMLA Outstanding High School Graduating World Language Student Award
Nominate your outstanding high school world language senior for the PSMLA Outstanding High School Graduating World Language Student Award. The deadline for applications is March 31.
Selection criteria:
a. Students must have a minimum of 3.75 grade point average in world language classes (based on a 4.0 system).
b. Students must have studied at least one world language other than English for 4 consecutive years
c. Students must also have an overall grade point average of 3.5 (based on a 4.0 point system).
d. Students must have made outstanding contributions to world language activities in their school.
e. Students must be interested in pursuing a career that will utilize language skills.
- Teachers nominating students must be members of PSMLA by March 1 of the current year.
- A teacher may nominate one student per world language that he/she teaches.
- Go to under the Awards link for prize information.
PSMLA Student Recognition Awards
PSMLA offers an attractive certificate to any qualifying students whose teachers are members of the association. Please go to and go to the Awards link for criteria and prizes. Certificates will be emailed to the teachers as pdf files at no charge.
Please submit all requests by March 31.
In order to verify your membership status for this request, you will need to log in to your PSMLA account. When you click on "Request PSMLA Student Recognition Award", you will be asked to log in if you have not done so already. If you need to renew your membership or become a member, click here.