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Job Opportunities (Spanish)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (FT), South Central PA

The School District of Lancaster (Lancaster, PA) has an immediate opening for a Spanish teacher at Southeast Middle School.  For more information, visit our website or contact Shannon Smith at

Spanish Teacher (FT), Central PA

The Millersburg Area School District anticipates a full-time permanent Spanish position available on January 19, 2021. Valid PA Spanish K-12 certification required. Send letter of interest, PA standard application for teaching, resume, transcripts, copy of PA certification, current Act 34, Act 151 and Act 114 clearances, and three current letters of reference to: Mrs. Bobbie Prouse, Millersburg Area SD, 799 Center St., Millersburg, PA 17061.

Applications will be accepted until January 22, 2021. EOE

Spanish Teacher (FT), Greater Philadelphia Area

The School District of Jenkintown is seeking a full-time Spanish teacher for Jenkintown Middle/High School. 

The smallest suburban public-school district in Pa. has an opening for a Spanish teacher in its 4-member World Language Department K-12 program.  Teaching responsibilities will be World Language Exploratory (7th grade), Spanish III, IV, V, and AP.

Prospective candidates should have the following: 

1. Advanced high to superior language skills, 

2. Computer skills for sharing language in and out of the classroom, 

3. Classroom skills based on a) an understanding of the principles of second language acquisition that inform teaching with comprehensible input and b) experience in the practice of comprehension-based communicative language teaching, 

 4. An interest in collaborative curriculum development.

Interested candidates should have a K-12 Spanish Teaching Certificate. Send a letter of application, resume and clearances to Mr. Tom Roller at rollert@jtowndrakes.