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PSMLA Membership Extension; PSMLA/AWLE Webinar

PSMLA membership extended for 1 calendar year for all current members

We are pleased to announce that the PSMLA Executive Council decided to extend every current PSMLA membership by one year at no cost. In addition, the lapsed memberships that expired June 30, 2020 will be extended to June 30, 2021. We all worry about these uncertain times and we want to make it easier for our members to stay connected and remain part of our professional organization that strengthens world language education in Pennsylvania. 

PSMLA/AWLE (encore) Webinar, September 12

We encourage you to join us on September 12, 2020 from 9:30am-11:30am for an encore of the webinar: Pivoting Instruction in a Changing Landscape: Strategies for encouraging and maintaining engagement in diverse settingsDetails about this webinar can be found at the PSMLA website

While this webinar is FREE, you must register, and registration will be capped. (So register today!) Please visit the PSMLA website, log in (or create an account), and then register for this great opportunity. We encourage you to share this information and invitation with your world language colleagues.

We hope to see you on September 12th!