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PSMLA Statement on Recent National Events

PSMLA Statement on Recent National Events

The Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association is deeply troubled by the death of George Floyd on May 25th and the circumstances that allow for such tragedies to happen.

As world language educators, we teach our students to respect others who do not look, speak, think or act like us. We teach our students to value the differences in people of all cultures, races and religions.

PSMLA takes a strong stance against social injustice and racism. We strive to uphold a society that celebrates diversity in all its forms, exercises empathy and promotes peace and social justice for all. 

The recent events more strongly solidify our call to stress the value of individual dignity and the respect for all. And so... let us challenge each other and rededicate ourselves to recognizing everyone as an equal and vital part of the diverse world in which we live.

John Grande

PSMLA President