PSMLA Annual Conference; AWLE Workshop; Survey Request
PSMLA Announces Annual Conference
SAVE THE DATE! PSMLA’s annual conference will be held near Philadelphia, October 15 - 17, 2020. We are excited to share that Friday’s keynote speaker will be the current ACTFL Teacher of the Year, Rebecca Blouwolff.
On October 15, there will be a pre-conference workshop led by former ACTFL Teacher of the Year, Katrina Griffin, focusing on STEM in the world language context followed by a visit to the Penn Museum.
Registration, call for proposals, and more details coming soon!
Association of World Language Educators' Spring Workshop
Developing Intercultural Competence: Strategies for Planning, Teaching, and Assessment
Register today and join the AWLE and your colleagues on Saturday, March 14, 2020 to learn and share some favorite strategies and activities for the world language classroom. Workshops led by local high school teachers will include practical ideas and time for discussion and collaboration. For more details and to register, visit our website.
*Act 48 Hours available for PSMLA members!
Survey: Participants Requested
You are invited to participate in a nationwide research study about the teaching of culture in collegiate foreign language courses.
You are invited to participate because you are a language educator in the United States who is at least 18 years old. You do not need to be an experienced educator. Participants may be graduate teaching assistants, adjunct professors, lecturers, assistant professors, or teachers with other titles, who are instructors of record of foreign language courses.
It is estimated that this survey will take 15 minutes to complete. Your participation in this research study is voluntary and you do not have to participate.
Please click here to learn more and to participate in this study.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration, Margherita Berti ( – feel free to share the survey link with colleagues!
This research has been approved by an Institutional Reveiw Board at The University of Arizona.