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Student Opportunity; PSMLA Awards


Mercyhurst University will again sponsor a Day in World Languages, in conjunction with the Day in Hafenmaier College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.  It is scheduled for Monday, February 3, from 8:45-2:15. This is an opportunity for juniors and seniors (and some motivated sophomores) to visit campus, get to know Mercyhurst and participate in a variety of language-rich activities. Ideally, students should be in the third year of their language study. 

The schedule includes immersion sessions in Spanish and French, learn new language activities in Arabic, Mandarin, and Russian, and a culture lab with hands-on language and culture experiences. Students will also get lunch and a campus tour. 

Students can sign up at  They should indicate that they want to major in world languages (that will register them for the language activities for the day) and then choose the language they are presently studying (Spanish, French, Other). Then they choose an additional language that they'd like to experience during one of the sessions (Arabic, Mandarin, or Russian).

For more information, please contact Professor Alice Edwards at

PSMLA Awards 2020

Each year the PSMLA sponsors multiple student and teacher awards for its members. For a detailed list of the awards and descriptions, or to apply, please visit our website.