PEP Awards; AWLE Workshop
As 2019 is quickly coming to its end, we want to remind you to continue gathering all of your evidence and documentation for the PEP applications. Please remember that:
1. the application must be postmarked no later than Saturday, February 8, 2020.
2. PSMLA memberships must be current. New or renewed memberships must be PAID by January 15th
3. As announced earlier, the Proficiency-Oriented sections of AP tests may now be used for one level of instruction for Indicator #8. The same evidence is required as for other proficiency-oriented tests (as described in the PEP Indicator document): the TEST (Proficiency Sections only), RUBRIC (relation to the ACTFL Scale), and STUDENT RATINGS (Computer printout with student names blackened out)
If you have any questions please contact us.
Thekla Fall and Mina Levenson, PEP Co-Chairs
Association of World Language Educators' Spring Workshop
Developing Intercultural Competence: Strategies for Planning, Teaching, and Assessment
Join the AWLE and your colleagues on Saturday, March 14, 2020 to learn and share some favorite strategies and activities for the world language classroom. Workshops led by local high school teachers will include practical ideas and time for discussion and collaboration. For more details and to register, visit our website.