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Job Opportunities (Spanish; Higher ed.)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (LTS), Western PA

Hempfield Area High School, located in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, is looking for a long-term substitute for Spanish to cover two consecutive leaves-of-absence.  The first position is to cover a 6-week maternity leave, beginning February 7, 2020. The teacher will be required to teach Spanish 2 and Spanish 3. The second position begins on March 23 until the end of the school year. This position is for Spanish 1 and Spanish 2.

Inquires should be directed to: Erica Shafran,World Language Department Chair or Kathleen Charlton, Principal

Spanish Teacher (FT), Central PA

The Mechanicsburg Area School District as an immediate opening for a full-time Spanish teacher. 

For more information about this position, please visit their website.

Spanish Professor

Mercyhurst University Department of World Languages and Cultures is looking to fill a full-time position (non-tenure track) in Spanish. The successful candidate will hold a PhD in Spanish and/or Second Language Acquisition and be able to teach all levels of Spanish, as well as oversee the world language K-12 education program, including the observation and mentoring of student teachers. She or he should be able to demonstrate evidence of excellence in teaching. Native or near-native ability in both Spanish and English is essential. The successful candidate will be responsible for student academic advisement and will have committee and assessment responsibilities within the department and/or university. The successful candidate is expected to teach and advise students effectively; actively engage in continued scholarly growth in the field; and make professional, departmental, and university service contributions.

For more information about applying, follow this link.