JNCL-NCLIS Special Announcement
America's Languages Caucus |
November 12, 2019 | JNCL Newsroom On November 12, 2019, Congressman David Price (D-NC) and Congressman Don Young (R-AK) announced the creation of the Congressional Caucus on America's Languages, a bipartisan effort to support and enhance world language competency and international education among students and professionals across the United States. The decision to launch a new America’s Language Caucus resulted from a 2017 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Commission on Language Learning report: America’s Languages: Investing in Language Education for the 21st Century that makes clear that the United States needs significantly more bilingual and biliterate citizens to help ensure national security, promote economic and job growth, and develop the potential of every American student. To learn more about this new caucus, visit https://www.languagepolicy.org/americaslanguages. |