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Free Webinar: Tech Tools for Oral Proficiency

5 Tools for Oral Proficiency (Free webinar)

Join us on Thursday, January 17, 4:30pm to 5:30pm for a free webinar on 5 technology tools to help students develop their oral proficiency. After a brief introduction to the certificate program, you will learn about the following tools from certificate students and certificate graduates:

  • Flipgrid by Megan MacNicol, Spanish teacher at Hershey High School (Pennsylvania)
  • VoiceThread by Amanda Damon, Spanish teacher at Wayland Academy (Wisconsin)
  • Lingt by Stephen Hale, ESL teacher in Sedai, Japan
  • Extempore by Eve Leons, Spanish teacher at Landmark college (Vermont)
  • Adobe Spark by Heidi Trude, French teacher at Skyline high school (Virginia)

Click here to register today to attend live or to receive a copy of the recording.

If you have any questions, email Simon Edwige.