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PSMLA News Update: IUP Methodology Conf. (CfP); Membership Renewal

Call for Proposals: IUP Spring Methodology Conference on Foreign Language Teaching

Do you have an effective classroom activity or teaching strategy that has resulted in learning gains for your students? Have you been experimenting with an innovative approach in your classroom?

The Conference Committee of the IUP Spring Methodology Conference on Foreign Language Teaching invites you to submit a session proposal for our conference, to be held on Friday, April 12, 2019, at the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex (KCAC) on the main campus of Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Conference sessions may focus on any topic related to language pedagogy. Sessions should be non-language specific and should feature general strategies/approaches that can be incorporated into any foreign language program. Language-specific examples may be used in the session. Conference sessions are one hour in length. Proposals that include “hands on” participation are strongly encouraged.

Deadline for submission is August 17, 2018.  Full call for proposals is available online:

Membership Renewal

As you know, our membership calendar year has changed from January - January to July - June to more closely align with the school year, our fall conference and district budgets.  If your last membership was good through December 2017, we extended it to June 30, 2018 but it is now expired. In order to stay current and glean the benefits of membership, please renew your membership now.  Please go to to renew your membership online or to download the renewal form and follow its directions. 

If you have any questions about your membership status, please contact PSMLA Secretary Phyllis Rzodkiewicz at