PSMLA Member News: Job Opportunities
Job Opportunties
German Teacher (LTS), Lancaster County
The Manheim Central School District is seeking candidates for a World Language - German Long Term Substitute position for the fall semester (August - January) of the 2018-2019 school year. The course load will include all German language classes; specifically, German II and III. Application deadline until filled.
Valid PA World Language - German certification required. For details and to apply please visit the school website.
Spanish Teacher (FT), Philadelphia Area
William Penn Charter School, a Pre-K to 12 Quaker day school in the East Falls section of Philadelphia, is seeking candidates for an Upper School Spanish Teacher position for the 2018-2019 school year. There is flexibility with the course assignments, but ideal candidates will demonstrate native level fluency and an ability to teach levels 1 to AP. An ability to teach lower level Latin classes would be a plus, but is not required. For more details and to apply, please visit the school website.
Adjunct Instructor of Spanish
Washington & Jefferson College invites applications for an Adjunct Instructor of Spanish. This position entails teaching undergraduate courses in Spanish beginning in August 2018. The salary will be set on a per course basis. The Spanish Program at W&J is a vibrant, growing, and integral part of the liberal arts experience at the college. With an increased focus on internationalization, the Spanish Program fosters the development of linguistically and culturally proficient students who engage with the Spanish-speaking world.
Minimum qualifications: M.A. in Spanish language, literature, culture, linguistics, or pedagogy/applied linguistics. The candidate must have native or near-native proficiency in Spanish and English and demonstrated excellence in teaching. Experience teaching Spanish in a college setting is preferred.
Send a letter of application, a current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching methodology/philosophy, and contact information for three professional references to:
Foreign Language Educator (FT), Northeastern PA
Conneaut Area Senior High School is looking for the most qualified candidate in a major World Language BUT Spanish, as there are already two certified Spanish teachers. The current position is German but options are open to other languages.
Submit a letter of interest, resume, PA teacher application, transcripts, 3 letters of references and current clearances to:
Conneaut School District, Attn: Sue Larson, 219 West School Drive, Linesville, PA 16424.
French Teacher (PT), Pittsburgh Area
St. Edmund’s Academy seeks a dedicated and dynamic educator to teach 5th- 8th grade French. Candidates must have excellent character, enthusiasm for 21st century pedagogy, and an outstanding record in teaching middle school aged groups. Excellent writing skills and strong verbal communication are expected. Ability to be collaborative, detail-oriented, and innovative is essential. Candidates must also be available to teach in rotating block schedule. For more information about the position, including a job description, please visit the school website.
In addition to submitting a resume, please send a cover letter to:
St. Edmund’s Academy, Attn: Thu-Nga Morris, 5705 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
or, email: