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PSMLA News Update: PSMLA Conference (CfP); PD Opportunities

Call for Proposals: PSMLA 2018 Conference in Pittsburgh

The form for submitting a proposal for the PSMLA 2018 Conference in Pittsburgh, is now online. You are invited to propose a session in any pertinent area such as: technology (games, gaming and gamification of particular interest), methodology, materials, techniques, assessment, standards, and connections to other disciplines or to the local and world community. We encourage sessions that relate languages to our conference theme of "Get to the Point: Language Matters". Sessions may be in English or in the target language. The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2018.

Please access the proposal form at   PSMLA Fall Conference 2018  and direct any questions to Debbie Wills.


Chestnut Hill College Immersion Day 

*Registration extended through February 28, 2018.

PSMLA will host their annual Immersion Day on Saturday, March 3, 2018 at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia from 9:00AM to 2:30PM. Teachers of Chinese, French,  and Spanish will have opportunities to interact with colleagues on topics related to cultural themes in the target language. 

In addition, teachers of all languages will explore Proficiency Assessments in the world language classroom during a one-hour joint presentation and have an opportunity to take part in round-table conversations on this topic afterward. The presenter for this session is Margaret Malone, Director of Assessment, Research and Development for ACTFL and Associate Vice President of the Center for Applied Linguistics at Georgetown University.

Attendees who are PSMLA members will be able to earn five hours of ACT 48 credits. The cost is $35 for PSMLA members, $45 for non-members, and $20 for students with college identification. Please note that these fees include a continental breakfast and international luncheon as well as access to exhibitors.

​For more information and to register please go to: ​ 

If you have any questions, please contact

AWLE Spring Workshop at Manheim Central High School

The Association of World Language Educators (AWLE) is pleased to invite you to its annual spring workshop! It is scheduled for Saturday, March 10, 2018, from 8:45am to 12:45pmin the Media Center of Manheim Central High School.

Visit the AWLE website ( for a detailed schedule and to register.

The focus of the conference will be Contextualized Instruction , and our presenters are prepared to share some of their favorite ideas and strategies with you.

Please share this great opportunity with colleagues and friends. All current, retired, and in-training world language teachers are welcome! Be sure to register for this great day of learning and sharing on or before March 3, 2018.