PSMLA News Update: Upcoming PD Opportunities
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
IUP Spring Methodology Conference on Foreign Language Teaching
The deadline (January 31, 2018) for Early Bird Registration for the 2018 IUP Spring Methodology Conference on Foreign Language Teaching is fast approaching!
Don't miss this great professional development opportunity held in a convenient location at a reasonable price! Early bird registration is $70.
Please see the website www.iupmethodologyconference.
We look forward to seeing you all there on Friday, April 20, 2018!
Dr. Christina Huhn and Dr. Eileen Glisan Conference Co-Chairs
Save the date! AWLE Spring Workshop
Join fellow world language teachers and the AWLE for a morning of engaging professional development. Our annual workshop this year will center on using contextualized instruction. Plan to learn, share and connect with like-minded professionals as we collaborate to enhance our profession. Registration deadline March 2, 2018.
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Manheim Central High School
Manheim, PA