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PSMLA Member News: Job Opportunity (Spanish)

Job Opportunity

Adjunct Instructor of Spanish, Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & Jefferson College invites applications for an Adjunct Instructor of Spanish. This position entails teaching undergraduate courses in Spanish beginning in February 2018. The salary will be set on a per course basis. The Spanish Program at W&J is a vibrant, growing, and integral part of the liberal arts experience at the college. With an increased focus on internationalization, the Spanish Program fosters the development of linguistically and culturally proficient students who engage with the Spanish-speaking world.

Minimum qualifications: M.A. in Spanish language, literature, culture, linguistics, or pedagogy/applied linguistics. The candidate must have native or near-native proficiency in Spanish and English and demonstrated excellence in teaching. Experience teaching Spanish in a college setting is preferred.

Send a letter of application, a current curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching methodology/philosophy, and contact information for three professional references to:

Washington & Jefferson College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Review of application materials will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.