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Revision of the PSMLA Constitution and Bylaws

A committee of PSMLA members reviewed the PSMLA Constitution & Bylaws this past summer. The document had not been updated for many years. Most of the changes in the revised version are clarifications in wording and updates so that the document reflects our current practice. Some items describing procedures were removed since they are described in detail in the PSMLA Responsibilities, Policies, and Procedures Handbook that guides council members in all of their tasks and is updated annually. These items therefore do not need to be part of the Constitution and Bylaws. We will ask for a vote of approval of the revised Constitution & Bylaws in the business meeting on September 7 at the PSMLA 2017 Conference. Please review the revisions before the meeting and send any questions to the PSMLA president, Susanne Nimmrichter <>.