PSMLA News Update: PLF (CfP); Job Opportunities
PLF Call for Submissions
Do you have great lesson plans, teaching strategies, or classroom activities to share with your colleagues? Are you looking to publish research related to language education? Pennsylvania Language Forum, PSMLA's annual journal, is now accepting submissions for the 2017 issue. Visit the PSMLA website for more information. Deadline is June 1, 2017.
Spanish Instructor (LTS) - Central PA
Available Immediately until approximately 10-27-17; Pennsylvania certification in Spanish required; strong GPA; excellent references; salary dependent upon experience and degree. Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, resume, standard application, transcript and praxis scores, three current professional references and copies of certificate and current Federal Act 114, Act 34, and Act 151 clearances to: Dr. Michael O’Brien, Superintendent, West Perry School District, 2606 Shermans Valley Road, Elliottsburg, PA 17024. Posting will remain open until May 22, 2017. EOE
Spanish Instructor - Southeastern PA
The Upper Perkiomen School District in Montgomery County has two Spanish teaching positions available.If interested please apply at the district’s website here: