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WL Advocacy Month; PSMLA Peer Mentor Program; Coffee Hours; Free Webinar

PSMLA 2023 Fall Conference -- Call for Proposals!
The Call for Proposals for the PSMLA 2023 Conference on November 3 and 4 at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort closes TOMORROW!

The conference theme is: RESET-RECHARGE-RECONNECT: Rediscover Yourself in the Language Teaching Community.

We welcome sessions in three categories:

  • language teaching and learning,
  • social-emotional learning and wellness; and,
  • technology garden. 

Proposals must be submitted by May 31st, 2023. 
If you have questions about a session proposal, please reach out to Silvina Orsatti at

Save the date for PSMLA´s Fall 2023 Conference!
RESET-RECHARGE-RECONNECT: Rediscover Yourself in the Language Teaching Community
To be held at Seven Springs Mountain Resort, November 2-4, 2023.
Please join us in the beautiful Laurel Highlands of southwestern Pennsylvania for a retreat that will renew your passion for language teaching. 

We will start Thursday, November 2nd with a Pre-Conference Workshop hosted at the legendary Fallingwater, a National Historic Landmark and a site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Following a private tour featuring a scavenger hunt of international art designed just for PSMLA, The Fallingwater Institute will host a private luncheon followed by a workshop created especially for World Language educators.

The conference will officially open November 3rd at the renowned Seven Springs Mountain Resort where we invite you to reconnect with colleagues in one of the most beautiful regions of our state. Renew your love of teaching with sessions on timely topics related to world language education, such as social emotional learning, communicative pedagogy, technology, etc. Special emphasis will be placed on YOU as the teacher with offerings on self-care as we maneuver the new post-pandemic era of teaching.

We are excited to announce our Keynote Speaker will be Dr. José Ricardo-Osorio, Acting Dean, College of Education and Human Services, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania. 

PSMLA Peer Mentoring Program
Registration is now open for both mentors and mentees for the 2023-2024 school year. Visit the PSMLA webpage for information and to apply. 

PA Seal of Biliteracy reporting form on PSMLA website
If your school is awarding students the PA Seal of Biliteracy this year, please complete the reporting form found under the Advocacy tab “PA Seal of Biliteracy,” so your school can be recognized for encouraging bilingualism!  

Global Seal of Biliteracy reporting form for institutions of higher education
If your institution is awarding students the Global Seal of Biliteracy this year, please complete the reporting form found under the Advocacy tab “Global Seal of Biliteracy,” so your school can be recognized for encouraging bilingualism!  

PSMLA Memberships
It is time to renew your PSMLA membership!

Note that membership rates are discounted if you renew prior to June 30, 2023!

Please visit our website at to renew or learn more.

Here is a quick reminder of some of the benefits of PSMLA Membership.

  • Our PSMLA Community - connecting with other members for ideas and inspiration.
  • Reduced registration fees to regional workshops and conferences. Free access to network coffee series and technology webinars.
  • Our 2023 Conference, “Reset, Recharge, Reconnect: Rediscover Yourself in the Language Teaching Community” will be held at Seven Springs Mountain Resort Nov. 2-4, 2023. We look forward to a time of refreshment, renewal, and regeneration as we share innovative ideas related to self care and to educating the next generation of diverse learners in an interconnected and complex world.
  • Access to PSMLA News Updates for job notices, reminders and promotions.
  • Access to the Pennsylvania Language Forum, a journal published bi-annually that features articles on teaching strategies, lesson plans, project ideas and research for world language teachers.
  • Opportunities to recognize excellence via student and teacher awards as well as research-based support for developing programs through PEP and Global Scholars programs.

Renew your membership today at