Upcoming WL Events!
Upcoming WL Committee Event:
Engaging Students Virtually using Daily Routines in Nearpod
Registration Link: https://event.webinarjam.com/
Questions: Please send an email to worldlanguage.edissues@gmail.
Engaging students in the TL online can sound overwhelming so let’s talk about it! Become familiar with Nearpod features and functionality in the WL classroom. Teachers will experience teacher and student views as they engage in Nearpod. Experience a Nearpod lesson through a World Language lens and learn to create your own.
Upcoming PASE Event:
The Philadelphia Area Spanish Educators (PASE) will be hosting our Virtual Fall Conference on Saturday, November 14, 2020 from 9:30am - 12:30pm. We are delighted to have the amazing Justin Slocum Bailey presenting, "Rich Interactions for Every Phase of Class". With less than a month away - Space is limited and we don't want you to miss your chance to participate in this incredible opportunity!
PASE Website Event Page: https://www.thepase.org/
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/yxa33rbz
Not a PASE member yet? Register now and receive a year of membership on us!