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PSMLA News Update: PD deadlines approaching

Deadlines approaching for Spring Workshops

Chestnut Hill College Immersion Day

PSMLA will host their annual Immersion Day on Saturday, March 3, 2018 at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia from 9:00AM to 2:30PM. Teachers of Chinese, French,  and Spanish will have opportunities to interact with colleagues on topics related to cultural themes in the target language. 

In addition, teachers of all languages will explore Proficiency Assessments in the world language classroom during a one-hour joint presentation and have an opportunity to take part in round-table conversations on this topic afterward. The presenter for this session is Margaret Malone, Director of Assessment, Research and Development for ACTFL and Associate Vice President of the Center for Applied Linguistics at Georgetown University.

Attendees who are PSMLA members will be able to earn five hours of ACT 48 credits. The cost is $35 for PSMLA members, $45 for non-members, and $20 for students with college identification. Please note that these fees include a continental breakfast and international luncheon as well as access to exhibitors. Register by February 27, 2018.

​For more information and to register please go to: ​ 

If you have any questions, please contact

AWLE Spring Workshop at Manheim Central High School

The Association of World Language Educators (AWLE) is pleased to invite you to its annual spring workshop! It is scheduled for Saturday, March 10, 2018, from 8:45am to 12:45pmin the Media Center of Manheim Central High School.

Visit the AWLE website ( for a detailed schedule and to register.

The focus of the conference will be Contextualized Instruction , and our presenters are prepared to share some of their favorite ideas and strategies with you.

Please share this great opportunity with colleagues and friends. All current, retired, and in-training world language teachers are welcome! Be sure to register for this great day of learning and sharing on or before March 3, 2018.

PSMLA Central PA Workshop at Messiah College

Registration is now open for the PSMLA Central PA Workshop at Messiah College on Saturday, March 24!  The theme is technology integration in the WL classroom. Join colleagues for breakfast, lunch in the target language, and breakouts by local classroom teachers on apps and techniques to enhance your instruction.  PSMLA members enjoy discounted registration and 4 Act 48 hours.  Register by March 19, 2018. Visit the link below for details and to sign up:

Spanish Immersion Swap Shop at Seton Hill University

Seton Hill University will be hosting a Spanish Immersion Swap Shop and Authentic Meal on Saturday, March 3 from 9:30am-2pm.  Cuban Chef Alberto will be providing authentic Caribbean dishes, and several attendees will be presenting creative teaching ideas and offering ready-to-use handouts (as listed below).  This event also provides teachers with ACT 48 credits.  Please RSVP via email to Debra Faszer-McMahon ( by Friday, Feb. 23rd if you plan to attend the event.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Creative Swap Shop Teaching Presentations: 

  • “Flipgrid para presentaciones orales.”

-Silvina Orsatti, University of Pittsburgh -- Greensburg

  • “Por y para basada en la lingüística cognitiva”

-Carlos Ramírez, Carnegie Mellon University & Seton Hill University

  • “La applicación ‘Formative’ y su uso en la clase de español”
  • Bevin Brogan, North Hagerstown High School, MD
  • “‘Catch Phrase’ en español: un juego para practicar el vocabulario, las definiciones y la conversación”

-Emily Aragón, Greensburg Salem High School

  • “Un intento de simplificar el presente del subjuntivo”

-Elizabeth Contreras, University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg

  • “Jugando con la pronunciación: retahílas, fichas fonéticas y el teléfono roto”

-Judith Reyna, Seton Hill University

  • “‘Yo-perdí’: juego de repaso para clases de español”

-Juan Carlos Rivas, Saint Vincent College

  • “La música y el verbo ‘gustar’ para el nivel básico”

-Isabel S. Valenzuela, Westmoreland County Community College

  • “Jugar a las adivinanzas – 2 juegos fáciles para cualquier nivel”

-Debra Faszer-McMahon, Seton Hill University