PSMLA Member News: Membership Renewal; Grant & Job Opportunities (multiple)
Membership Renewal
If your PSMLA membership expires in 2018, it is time to renew! In order to stay current and glean the benefits of membership, please renew your membership by June 30, 2018. As you know, our membership calendar year has changed from January -January to July-June to more closely align with the school year, our fall conference and district budgets. Please go to
Grant Opportunity in Foreign Language Education
Program Officers:
Dr. Molly Faulkner-Bond
Telephone: 202-245-6890
Dr. Rebecca Kang McGill-Wilkinson
Telephone: 202-245-7613
The Foreign Language special topic supports research that examines how best to support English-speaking students who are learning a foreign language in school and how proficiency in two or more languages is linked to student education outcomes. Nationwide, at least 10.5 million students (approximately 1 in 5) are learning a foreign language in United States schools. Several recent national reports and government efforts have pointed to the critical need for U.S. citizens to be proficient in more than one language as a matter of diplomacy, economic competitiveness, global and cultural competence, and national security. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes foreign languages in its definition of a well-rounded education (section 8101 (52)), and authorizes state and local education agencies to use Federal funds for foreign language education through Title IV - 21st Century Schools. Additionally, the Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO), part of the Department of Defense, has indicated that foreign language education is important for national security.
Learning an additional language may have value in itself, and may also support achievement in other academic content areas. For example, researchers have shown that English-speaking students enrolled in foreign language programs perform as well as, or better than, similar students instructed only in English on academic content assessments in English.
For FY 2019, the Institute is interested in research on foreign languages including but not limited to:
· Exploration of the relationship between foreign language learning and other academic outcomes (e.g., reading or math), cognitive functions (e.g., cognitive flexibility), or social and behavioral competencies (e.g., cultural competency, empathy, or self-efficacy).
· Development and testing of interventions to support teaching and learning of and in foreign languages, including instructional materials, curricula, and professional development for use in bilingual and dual-language immersion (DLI) programs.
· Development and validation of assessments of foreign language proficiency, multilingualism, and other aspects of foreign language learning and instruction.
· Studies of the efficacy or effectiveness of foreign language learning programs and policies (including DLI), especially as they impact academic outcomes such as reading, writing, and STEM.
A letter of intent to apply is due by June 21, 2018, and a completed application is due by August 23, 2018.
Job Opportunities
Spanish Teacher (FT), South Central PA
The School District of Lancaster is seeking to fill an anticipated vacancy for a middle school Spanish teacher for the 2018-2019 school year.. Those interested can seek more information on their website.
Elementary Spanish ImmersionTeacher (FT), Southeastern PA
The Centennial School District, located in Warminster, Bucks County, PA is seeking to fill a full time Elementary Spanish Immersion position. Interested candidates should apply via the Centennial School District website: https://centennialpa.
Spanish Teacher (FT), South Central PA
The Hempfield School District in Lancaster County is seeking to fill an anticipated vacancy for a middle school Spanish teacher for the 2018-2019 school year. Interested candidates should submit an online application.
Questions can be directed to
Deadline: June 10, 2018 (applications will not be accepted after this date)