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PSMLA Member News: 2018 PSMLA Exemplary Program (PEP) Awards!

Dear PSMLA Members, 

It's that time of year again!  A group of very dedicated folks from the PEP West Committee just spent many hours to mail letters to 500+ superintendents throughout Pennsylvania! (See photo below!)  

PEP was designed in 2005 to encourage excellence in foreign language programming! We know teachers can't do it alone. Programs need sustained support from the administration, parents, and tax-paying community.  Thus, PSMLA uses this opportunity, annually, not only to inform superintendents about the PEP Awards program but also as a way to provide them with up-to-date information related to foreign language learning and programming. 

The letter to superintendents, application forms, and background information are all currently available on the (Awards, PEP) website so that you have access to the same information and to give you an opportunity to​​ copy and​ share the letter, the PEP Rubric, and the list of  2017 PEP Award schools with your principal​ ​(even if you think your school doesn't currently meet the criteria)​. 

​​A number of schools have used ​PEP information to spur program improvements that eventually led to an award.  

The 2018 PEP Application is due on or before Saturday, February 10, 2018. 

New this year -- we now require you to email us routing information, once you have mailed the application. We will acknowledge receipt of your application in a return email.  We hope departments will collaborate on this endeavor. 

​If you plan to apply, we recommend that​,​ ASAP,  you divide up the 11 PEP Indicators and delegate the responsibility of collecting the needed evidence among members of your department.   

Inline image 2

Left to right: Isabel Espin​o De Valdivia, Debra Wills, Thekla Fall, Mina Levenson, Abigayle Shin, Jan Stewart, and Rochele Reitlinger on a fine Sunday afternoon!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us! 

Mina and Thekla, PEP Co-chairs