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PSMLA Fall Conference (Deadlines approaching); 100 years

Final Reminder: Early Bird Discount for PSMLA Conference Expires This Friday

Take advantage of significant savings by registering and completing payment by our advanced discount registration deadline—this Friday, October 4.  Visit our conference webpage to register and to view our list of sessions, details of the pre-conference workshop and keynote speaker, and places of interest around State College.  Join us as we celebrate our centennial on October 24-26!

Preliminary Conference Schedule Now Online

View the preliminary conference schedule, including session times and descriptions, on our conference webpage.  Together with PACIE, we are offering over 100 sessions and special events! Note that you do not need to sign up for individual sessions on Friday and Saturday, as they are included in your conference registration.  Our Thursday Pre-Conference workshop does require a separate registration.

100 Years of PSMLA: A glance into the archives

In 1982, four very important trends were featured: the origins of the ACTFL/ETS oral proficiency testing, immersion programs, the role of languages in world commerce, and the use of audio-visual materials and media.  

New Directions in Student Evaluations (Protase E. Woodford, ETS) 

 An early introduction into ETS proficiency testing, i.e., FSI testing, Peace Corp 

Total Immersion: The Foreign Language Connection (William DeLorenzo)

Languages and Business (Joseph Foltz, U.S. Steel Corporation)

“In his book, 'Why Johnny Should Learn Foreign Languages’ (published during the post- Sputnik boom years of education) Theodore Huebener observes that next to the Foreign Service, world commerce is the most vital area of our contact with other nations.”

The Theme of the Fall Conference:

“The Use of Audio-Visual Materials and the Media in the Foreign Language Classroom”