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Professional Opportunities (Spanish, Chinese); PSMLA Workshop

Central PA Workshop - March 30

Save the date for a PSMLA workshop at Messiah College on Saturday, March 30.  The theme will be promoting the use of the target language in the classroom.  More details to follow in February.  Contact with any questions.

Apply to Host a Chinese Guest Teacher in 2019 - 2020

The following message is being forwarded at the request of the College Board's Chinese Language and Culture Initiatives program office.

Since 2007, the Chinese Guest Teacher Program has placed more than 1,550 visiting teachers in hundreds of schools nationwide. All guest teachers are qualified, experienced teachers from China. After a rigorous selection and training process, they serve as full-time Chinese language instructors in U.S. schools.

The College Board Chinese Language and Culture Initiative is made possible through a collaboration with Hanban and offers programs to support the growth of Chinese language and culture education in U.S. schools.

Please see the Chinese Guest Teacher Program website for various details, including links to:

·        Register for an informational webinar to be held on Thursday, January 10, at 3 p.m. EST,

·        Access the New Host Institution Application Form, and

·        Learn more about the Renewing Host Institution Application Form.

Information about the Chinese Guest Teacher Program is online at and the priority deadline for new host institution applications is Monday, January 14, 2019.

Summer Sessions Abroad for Spanish Teachers

The Center for Latin American Studies at The Ohio State University is pleased to announce this year’s intensive Summer Seminars Abroad program, a 17-day workshop in Spanish linguistics in Montevideo, Uruguay

For more information about the program and how you can participate please visit their website.