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NECTFL (Deadline extended); Scholarship Opportunities

NECTFL early registration deadline extended!

Due to the inclement weather on December 2 and the proximity to the holiday, NECTFL has extended the early rates through the close of business this Wednesday, December 4.

Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL):

  • 2020 NECTFL, February 13-15 at the New York Hilton Midtown
  • Theme: Languages for All: Envisioning Language Learning Opportunities for Every Learner
  • All registration information and the preliminary program available at
  • Scholarships and stipends available! 
    • New Teacher Mentor/Mentee Scholarships
      Thanks to very generous grants from Vista Higher Learning and from the NYS Statewide Language Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBE-RN) at NYU, NECTFL is pleased to announce 20 scholarships for new teachers (1-5 years experience) and 20 partial stipends for experienced “mentor” teachers (7+ years of experience) to attend the 2020 Northeast Conference. DEADLINE: Open until all scholarships are awarded.
    • Scholarship for a professional development course in Germany
      Are you a German teacher and AATG member? Apply for a Goethe-Institut scholarship for a professional development course in Germany in 2020! Deadline: Friday, December 13.
    • NECTFL Future Language Educator Scholarship - $1000
      NECTFL is pleased to announce the NECTFL Future Language Educator Scholarship. A $1000 scholarship will be awarded to a future language educator from the NECTFL region to be used during the semester/year devoted to student teaching (graduate or undergraduate). The recipient will receive one night hotel stay and a complimentary registration to the NECTFL conference to accept the award. Deadline for submission: January 3.

Scholarships Make Study Abroad Dreams Come True

We’re excited to announce that CIEE’s study abroad and scholarship application is open!   Any student is eligible to apply for a scholarship through CIEE: Council on International Educational Exchange. Global Navigator Scholarships help students study abroad in over 30 amazing destinations, such as China, the Dominican Republic, Ghana, France, Spain and Thailand.

You could make a difference in the environment, education, or children’s rights with a Service & Leadership Program (earn 50 hours of Service Learning), or learn one of seven languages with a rich Language & Culture program (earn 4 college credits). Interested in new media? You could build a digital media project in Spain. That’s just one of the Global Discovery Program options that give you hands-on experience in fields such as Marine Science, World Government, or Global Entrepreneurship.

A Global Navigator Scholarship is your ticket to exploring places you’ve only seen on Instagram, and a great way to gain skills to help you chart your course into the future.

Explore all programs at:

Apply online at:

Freshman, sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply for full scholarships (merit and financial need). Seniors are eligible to apply for merit only scholarships. Your best chance of getting a scholarship is for a Language Program as 80% of the scholarship funds are allocated towards the Language Programs.  Scholarship deadline is December 6th.

If you have any questions, please reach out to: Caryn Berman 207-274-5775

Special interest initiatives for Spanish at OSU

The Center for Latin American Studies at OSU has recently launched a number of initiatives of special interest to K-12 Spanish (and, to a certain extent, French and other) teachers.

  • This Spring 2020, OSU will be offering SPANISH 6194 (Group Studies: Spanish Phonetics for Teachers).

This is an online course that is open to native and non-native speakers of Spanish and will be taught in Spanish. If you are not a current OSU student, you can enroll as a Graduate Non-Degree student.

  • OSU is offering two summer programs for Spanish Teachers-- Montevideo, Uruguay on July 7-23, 2020 and Curitiba, capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná, on July 5-25, 2020.

Registration deadline is on a rolling basis until all spots are full. If you are interested (or know someone who is), you can register here:


For more information, contact Patricia Vocal at