Job Opportunity (Chinese)
Job Opportunity
Chinese Teacher (FT), Western PA
The Armstrong School District has an anticipated Chinese teacher position Grades 9-12 assigned as Secondary/High School as defined in Pennsylvania in Mandarin Chinese including communication: listening, speaking, reading and writing; culture including traditions, customs, characteristics and developments of Mandarin Chines language and relations between the perspectives, products and practices of the culture; and comparisons between Chinese language and culture vs. the English language and American culture. B.A. in Chinese or Foreign Language Edu. (if a native Chinese Speaker), a Professional Instructional I Certificate (Chinese PK-12); Emergency Teacher Certifications LTS SUB with Educational Obligation (Chinese). $60,509/yr. 37.50 hr/wk; Mon.-Fri., 7:15 am-2:45 pm. Apply online only at:; Departments tab; Human Resources; Job Openings, FastTrack Application Process. EOE