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Job Opportunity (ASL)

Job Opportunity

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

American Sign Language (ASL) Part-Time Instruction Position

The Department of Global Languages and Cultures is seeking a part-time ASL instructor for the fall 2019. The appointment is for two-course sections at the instructor level with a $12,517.59 salary. Classes meet Tuesdays and Thursdays as follows: ASL 101 (2:00pm-3:15pm) and ASL 102 (12:30pm-1:45pm). The instructor must have a master’s degree in any field (M.Ed preferred) and at least two years of ASL teaching experience and/or advanced proficiency in ASL. Starting date August 19th. A background check is part of the hiring process.

Please contact Dr. José Ricardo (Department Chair) at or call at 717-477 1120.