Job Opportunities (Spanish; French; WL Cooridinator)
Job Opportunities
French Teacher (LTS), Pittsburgh Area
Long term substitute French Teacher position available immediately – Pittsburgh Public Schools, Pittsburgh, PA. Interested persons should apply online. For additional information, contact Marsha Plotkin.
Spanish Teacher (LTS), South Central PA
Cocalico School District in Lancaster County, PA is interviewing on November 19th for a high school Spanish Long Term Substitute from January 30, 2020 until the end of the school year. For more information on the position, please visit their website.
Spanish Teacher (FT), South Central PA
The School District of Lancaster is seeking a middle school Spanish teacher to begin immediately at Reynolds Middle School. If interested, please see our Job Listings online or contact Shannon Smith, Coordinator of ELD and World Languages K-12.
Coordinator of Secondary ELD & World Languages, South Central PA
The School District of Lancaster is seeking a Coordinator of Secondary ELD and World Languages. This position provides leadership, training, and support for high-quality language acquisition programs, such as the English Language Development and World Language programs at the secondary level. If interested, please see our Job Listings online or contact Shannon Smith, Coordinator of ELD and World Languages K-12.
Spanish Teacher (FT), Central PA
The Millersburg Area School District is in search of a Full-time, pemanent HS Spanish Teacher. Position is available beginning on or before January 2, 2020. Grades 9-12. Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2019. Contact Bobbie Prouse (717) 692-2108 x3170 for more information.