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Job Opportunities (Spanish & ESL)

Job Opportunities

Spanish Teacher (FT), Central PA

The Mechanicsburg Area School District has an opening for a full-time Spanish Teacher at Mechanicsburg Middle School. For more information about the postion and to apply visit their website.

Spanish Teacher (LTS), Central PA

Penn Manor School District in Lancaster County (PA) has a full-time, long-term position for a foreign language teacher with certifications in Spanish at Penn Manor High School available with the start of the 2020-2021 school year. The position will last for the full year and will include

Candidates: Must complete the application process through PA Educator indicating the corresponding job #. 

Job #27115

District Employment Website:

Spanish/ESL Teacher (FT) and English/ESL Teacher (FT),  Western PA

The Armstrong School District has the following anticipated positions:English and English as a Second Language certifications required), and Spanish & ESL Position (Spanish & English as a Second Language certifications required).

Apply online only at:; Departments tab; Human Resources; Job Openings, FastTrack Application Process. Deadline: July 6, 2020. EOE

Contact Information:
Nancy Kozuch