Job Opportunities (German; Spanish)
Full-time German Position at Chartiers Valley High School/Middle School
Program has an introductory level in 8th grade, levels 1-3 at the High School and College-in-the-High School Level 4 through Duquesne University. CV has distinguished itself with Silver and Gold PEP Awards and is active in the Global Scholars Program. CV has an active German Club, travels to the German-speaking countries every other year, and hosts students through the Friendship Connection annually. Interested persons should apply through PA Educator.
Part-time Long Term German Substitute at York Suburban Middle School
Position starting August 2019, date closing 7/31/2019, certification in foreign language required.
Part-time and/or Full-time Temporary Faculty at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
The Department of Foreign Languages at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) invites applicants for anticipated part time and/or full time temporary faculty positions for the 2019-2020 academic year. See the full job descriptions and application instructions.