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Job Opportunities (French; Spanish)

Job Opportunity

Spanish Teacher (FT), Southeastern PA

The School District of Jenkintown is seeking a full-time Spanish teacher for Jenkintown Middle/High School. The smallest suburban public-school district in Pa. has an opening for a Spanish teacher in its 4-member World Language Department K-12 program. Teaching responsibilities will be World Language Exploratory (7th grade), Spanish III, IV, V, and AP.

Interested candidates should have a K-12 Spanish Teaching Certificate. Interested candidates should send a letter of application, resume and clearances to Mr. Tom Roller at by December 14, 2020.

Spanish/French Teacher (FT), Eastern PA

A permanent Spanish/French teaching position at Stroudsburg High School/Junior High School is available beginning in January 2021. Appropriate PA certification is required. Please submit a standard PA teaching application, resume, cover letter, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to Laura Connolly, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, Stroudsburg Area School District, 123 Linden St. Stroudsburg, PA 18360, or to