Job Opportunities (French, Spanish)
Job Opportunities
French Teacher (FT), Eastern PA
A permanent French teaching position at Stroudsburg Junior High School is available at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. Appropriate Pennsylvania teaching certification is required. Submit a standard Pennsylvania teaching application, resume, cover letter, transcripts, background clearances, and three letters of recommendation to Laura Connolly, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, Stroudsburg Area School District, 123 Linden Street, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 or email.
Spanish Teacher (FT), Northern PA
The Troy Area School district is looking for a language teacher to replace a Spanish teacher. We're a small rural district, but it's a great and vibrant community that places a high value on education. Interested applicants, please send cover letter, resume, transcripts, letter(s) of reference, PA Standard Teaching Application, PA certificate, Act 126 Certificate Mandated reporter training certificate, Act 34 Criminal Background Check, Act 151 Child Abuse, Act 114 FBI Fingerprinting, Act 24 Arrest Conviction Report (PDE-6004 Form), Act 168 Sexual Misconduct / Abuse Disclosure Releases to: Dr. Eric Stair, Supt, Troy Area School District, 68 Fenner Ave, Troy, PA 16947. Deadline for application: Until position filled. All questions can be directed to Mrs. Liz Woolf, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, ewoolf@
Dan Brenner
High School Principal
Troy Area School District
Spanish Teacher (FT), South Central PA
The School District of Lancaster (Lancaster, PA) has an immediate opening for a Spanish teacher at Jackson Middle School and a Spanish teacher at McCaskey East High School. For more information, visit our website or contact Shannon Smith at